EasyFishing 1.1 (Latest)

A guide to installing “EasyFishing” onto your FiveM server!
Purchasing the resource
Firstly, you must purchase the product from either our Tebex or Discord. (We offer cheaper prices on our discord due to Tebex not taking a cut.) If you wish to make the purchase on our discord, create a ticket, and state that you wish to purchase this resource.
Tebex Store
Downloading the resource
Upon purchasing the resource, head to your Keymaster, find the resource, and click “Download”

Installing the resource
Drag the resource into your resources folder.
Ensure or start all resources in server.cfg. Example:
ensure easyfishing
Configuring the resource
We try to make our resources as easy to understand as possible, however, they can be quite confusing without an explanation. Follow along with this guide to have a full understanding of how to configure this resource!
FishCommand = "fish",InvCommand = "inventory",This one is pretty self-explanatory.
- “FishCommand” refers to the command that is entered to start fishing.
- “InvCommand” refers to the command entered to display the fish and bait you currently have.
KeyBinds = {KeepFish = 44,ThrowBackFish = 48,CancelFishing = 44,ReelIn = 46,ShopAndSellInteract = 46},The control IDs for each ingame action. See FiveM Controls for a list.
- “KeepFish” keeps the fish you caught when pressed.
- “ThrowBackFish” throws back the fish you caught when pressed.
- “CancelFishing” stops fishing when pressed at any point.
- “ReelIn” is the button that you mash when catching a fish.
- “ShopAndSellInteract” is the button you press to interact with all shops and sell places.
Fish = {{name="NAME", model="MODEL", clickCount=0, minWeight=0, maxWeight=0, timeToCatch = 0, legal=false, illegalReason="REASON"}},This one can be a little confusing, due to the amount of fields.
- “name” is the name of the fish.
- “model” is the model of the ped that will spawn for the fish. (Leave this blank for no model to spawn)
- “clickCount” refers to the amount of times the [E] key will have to be pressed before you catch the fish. (See showcase to understand this better)
- “minWeight” and “maxWeight” are the minimum and maximum values for the weight of the fish you catch. (in kg) When a fish is caught, a random value inbetween these two values will be picked as the fish weight.
- “legal” refers to if the fish is legal or not.
- “illegalReason” is the reason that will displayed if the fish is illegal. (Leave empty if the fish is set as legal)
Sell Places
SellPlaces = {{name="NAME", colour=0, icon=0, pos= vector3(0,0,0)}}, -
Shops = {{name="Farlows Travel",showNameInMenu= false, slogan="This is a slogan!",colour=30, icon=529, customTitleTexture="https://i.imgur.com/KGnCujw.png", id="fishShop1", pos= vector(-2188.49, -400.14, 13.31)}},- “name” is the name of the shop
- “showNameInMenu” decides wether the name of the shop will be shown in the menu.
- “slogan” is the slogan that will appear in the menu below the name.
- “colour” refers to the color id of the blip. (Go here for a list)
- “icon” refers to the icon id of the blip. (Go here for a list)
- “customTitleTexture” refers to the image that will be loaded and used as the banner for the shop’s UI.
- “id” defines the id that will be used to assign products to the shop.
- “pos” refers to the position of the blip/shop, in a format of “vector3(X,Y,Z)”. Additionally, you can add a “customSubheading” field to your shop. This replaces the message below the shop name. if you include “|key|” in the message then it will replace that with the interaction key, making configuration a little easier.
Products = {{name="10x Fishing Bait", description="",amount=10,price=20.00, shops={"fishShop1"}},{name="5x Fishing Bait", description="",amount=5,price=10.00, shops={"fishShop1"}}},- “name” is the name of the product.
- “description” is the description of the product.
- “amount” is the amount of bait you get when purchasing the product.
- “price” is the price of the product.
- “shops” is the IDs of the shops that the product can be purchased from. Additionally, a “customMessage” field can be added. This replaces the notification shown when you purchase the bait, to a custom message of your choice. Currently, if you want to add the price, then it has to be included manually in the message.
Webhook = {url="URL",color=11111111,img="IMG"},- “url” is the url of the Discord webhook you wish to connect the resource to. (Leave blank to disable webhooks)
- “color” refers to embed colour of the webhook messages. Take a look at this for converting RGB to decimal.
- “img” refers to the profile picture url of the webhook message.
MenuPos = {100,100}, -- THE POSITION OF THE MENU ON THE SCREENDistanceFromWater = 10,MaxBlipInteractDistance = 5,MaxBlipDrawDistance = 10,Currency = "£",MoneyPerKilo = 1,SecsTillCatchMin = 10,SecsTillCatchMax = 30- “MenuPos” refers to the positioning of the shop menu.
- “DistanceFromWater” refers to the max distance between the player and the water to be able to fish.
- “MaxBlipInteractDistance” refers to the max distance between the player and the blip to be able to interact with the blip. (shop/sell place)
- “MaxBlipDrawDistance” refers to the max distance between the player and the blip to draw the text for the blip.
- “Currency” refers to the currency that will be displayed when purchasing a product, or selling a fish.
- “MoneyPerKilo” refers to the amount of money you will recieve per kilo when selling fish.
- “SecsTillCatchMin” and “SecsTillCatchMax” are the minimum and maximum values for the time taken for a fish to get caught on your line. When you start fishing, a random value between these two numbers will be picked, and it will wait that time for the fish to get caught in the line.
function Purchase(price)print("PURCHASE")return trueendfunction RodCheck()print("ROD CHECK")return trueendfunction Payout(money)print("PAYOUT")endfunction IllegalFish()print("ILLEGAL FISH")ShowNotification("You have been caught in possesion of an illegal fish! You have lost all your fish.")ResetInventory()endThese should all be pretty self-explanatory.
- “Purchase” is called when attempting to purchase bait. It must return either true or false (“price” is the cost of the product)
- “RodCheck” is called when attempting to check if the user has a fishing rod. It must return either true or false.
- “Payout” is called when you sell your fish. “money” is the money you sold the fish for.
- “ResetInventory” is called when you attempt to sell an illegal fish.
You also have access to a few functions to use. (as seen in the “IllegalFish” example above.)
- “ShowNotification” - Displays a default FiveM notification.
- “InventoryReset” - Resets your inventory, sets all of their values back to their original state.
Support will be provided for these functions however it is advised that you have a basic understanding of Lua.
Read through the instructions again if you have not managed to install or configure the resource. Can’t get it to work still? Create a ticket through our dedicated support system in Discord: